With the emphasis on chemical free, and natural products, some parents show concern over putting sunscreen on their child, however, dermatologists say there are natural alternatives.
The summer months see more children outdoors, playing, partying, and diving into the water.
If these children aren’t properly protected, they could be exposed to dangerous UV rays.
It takes only a few moments for a child’s skin to start to burn, but with concerns over chemicals and toxins, many doctors do say that children cannot tolerate many of the chemicals in sunscreen as well as adults.
The FDA has recommended that children under 6 months old, do not use sunscreen, however, dermatologist Jennifer Lloyd has an alternative to conventional sunscreen.
Dr. Lloyd told 21 News, “So sunblock technically contains zinc and titanium init, so it blocks the skin. Zinc and titanium are what is in Desitin.”
Dr. Lloyd said to avoid sunscreens that contain harsh chemicals like avobenzone and other parabens that can irritate a little one’s skin.
In addition to zinc and titanium sunblock, Dr. Loyd suggests parents consider clothing that’s rich in SPF.
Dr. Lloyd said, “I think for kids sun protective clothing is the easiest thing to do.”
If buying a new summer wardrobe is not in the budget, there is an alternative that is as easy as tossing clothes in the washer.
“You can buy RIT Dye, which has a sun-protecting wash in it, that you can wash into your clothing.” Dr. Lloyd continued.
These are tips that can protect children for the summer, and for the rest of their lives.