Doctors warn not to neglect your skin during winter
- Posted on: Jan 10 2019
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – The cold weather is here, and there are some things you may be doing that are damaging your skin.
Dr. Jenifer Lloyd from the Lloyd Dermatology Center in Youngstown warns that our skin dries out during the winter because of the cold elements and there is less humidity in the air. She says people also forget that the sun can damage our skin even in the winter and recommends always wearing a sunblock.
“The difference between sunblock and sunscreen is a sunblock that blocks out all of the sun’s rays whereas a sunscreen blocks out just the tanning rays. I recommend wearing a sunblock so you don’t get any sun hitting your skin and wear it every single day,” Lloyd said.
Lloyd says showering every day and the soaps we use are a marketing tool for skin care companies, but it’s important to make sure those soaps aren’t too harsh.
Lloyd offers the following tips to keep skin healthy during the dry, winter months:
- Cool down your shower. Don’t take hot showers, it’s really hard on your skin
- Change your soap. Switching to a milder soap such as Dove or Vanicream can make a big difference in your skin
- Moisturize. Put some on every day, especially when you get out of the shower to help seal in moisture
- Wear sunblock every day, even in the winter the sun comes through the clouds
Many people hit the tanning beds once winter sets in, but skin care experts warn about potential dangers.
Researchers estimate that indoor tanning may cause upwards of 400,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. each year.
We’ve all heard the warnings of how dangerous tanning beds can be. But what may surprise you is the number of cancer cases related to tanning beds.
Studies show a 59% increase in the risk of melanoma in those who have been exposed to UV radiation from indoor tanning. To date, more than 40 states restrict access to indoor tanning equipment either through banning their use by minors or requiring parental consent.
Lloyd agrees that using a tanning bed is a terrible option for getting darker skin. She says spray tans and bronzers are a safer alternative. She offers the following tips for those:
Find one you like and practice with it. Don’t try a new one for the first time before a big event, there is an art to it
- Bronzers tend to pick up around the knees, elbows and places with a little bit more rough skin. It can look streaky, so there is definitely a practice to it
- If you have dry skin, try a heavy cream or lotion that you are used to
Finally, always apply sunscreen. Snow reflects the sun and can damage your skin.
Tagged with: Dr. Jenifer Lloyd, Lloyd Dermatology Center, news, Skin care, sunblock, sunscreen, wkbn
Posted in: Providers in the News